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Runofthemill update

7/07/04 6:20 PM

Well well well. Look who's updating his bloggidy blog.

I went to skate camp. wayyyyyyyy to lazy to tell you guys about it. Two words tho: total anarchy. Well not total. Mostly anarchy. There we go.

Sailing camp is going well. We capsised for the first time today. It was actually pretty fun...

And i also saw spiderman 2 today. Surprisingly good, considering it's oh-so-orthodox corniness. How the hell did MJ get out of marrying that guy anyways? god i hate........ corniness. and corn.

Yeah, i know i'm only updating this cause you told me to, but at least i'm updating it. Right? right.


Canada Day and error messages...

7/01/04 6:47 AM

first of all. happy canada day.

second of all:


June 2004


Too Tired

6/29/04 6:47 AM

nooo margaret! i'm too tired to update my...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...


Skate Camp

6/13/04 8:47 AM

hey all!

today i go to phase one of operation Go To Skate Camp. I spend the night at peters, then we hop on the plane to oregon. They might even have internet there, so i might be able to post while i'm there. Then again, i might be too lazy.

On another note, i was at a magazine stand yesterday, and noticed something interesting. All the macintosh and apple magazines have titles like "Enhance your experience! Customize your Computer!" wheras all the windows magazines have headlines like "Avoid viruses!" "Decode error messages!".


okay over and out!



6/10/04 9:49 AM

Google. Yes, our beloved google. Google is grand. Google is great. Do a google search for crappy blog. Google is now a verb.

However, google has turned on us and portrayed stupidity.

Note how at the top it says that google is not affiliated with the authors of the website. which happens to be google. weird. (do a google search for "google" and on the result that is google.com click on the link named "cached" on the bottom. Oh well, just a random reason to post.

On the lighter side of the news, caroline has a website. and so does dean.


What People Say

6/2/04 10:26 PM

PersonTheir response to everything
Dean (Secondary)"Well, I love marmots"
Max*nods head*
Peter"dude, you have a small weiner"
Josh"What are YOU smoking?"
Marlena"Very.... interesting"
Emilie"That's Hanus!"

May 2004


Fortune Cookies

5/26/04 6:07 PM

No, but seriously. How can a guy's day possible go wrong when they get this fortune cookie.

really. tell me. how?


Outdoor Ed and other crapola

5/16/04 8:00 PM

Well now. Lets start with last night, shall we?

Josh's barmitzvah was awesome. The theme was a little blatant there, but that's okay.

Today. Err... dean and I went to the nextfest which was way too awesome. Floating cars. Wireless power. Tables made of computer screens. Augmented vision. TouchTV. Hy- Wires.
Then we made this weird secret agent movie at my house. Then he went home. Fast forward to about an hour ago...

We went to cafe marimba, which is always awesome. The chips are addicting. Now here's something dumb.

A block away from cafe marimba is a free parking garage. However, my dad decided to park about 6 blocks away from the restaurant.

Oh yeah, and earlier today my sister turned the wrong way down a one way street and proceeded to crash into a garage door in the process of turning around. Her explanation:

"If there had been cars coming down, i would've realized it was a one way street and i wouldn't have done that!"


Hooray for tommorow for tommorow is the start of a great thing that has the name of "outdoor ed". I wonder's who is in my group....

For all in the know, I am bored now (wink wink).

I'll try to post pictures when i get back. However, in the mean time, the word of the day is "Splendiferous."




5/12/04 8:57 AM




5/8/04 6:44 AM


Lets start with the links section. Sorted by how much you need to go to the site.

MaCreate: Awesome mac community. They really need traffic, so please sign up on the forums there! And post your setup or photography or something.
Seven Oh Five: This is crazy funny stuff. A must see.
Homestar Runner: My favorite animation site on the net. Awesome.
Weebl and Bob: A pretty funny animation if thou likest pie.
Weebls Stuff: Weebls other stuff
Konfabulator: My favorite program for OS X (besides photoshop and FCP). You run mini programs called "widgets". Check out the widgets that i have made.

There was guestbook wars that went on alot yesterday. Check thems out.


April 2004


No, i'm not dead.

4/28/04 7:42 PM

11 days? what was i thinking? well, i've been busy.

I've had a few reports to worry about. But anyways- i actually have a reason to post now!!!!!

 This is pretty neat how it works out. This is cool chocolate math!!!!!!!
 It takes less than a minute....... Work this out as you read. Be  sure you 
 don't read the bottom until you've worked it out! This is not one 
 of  those waste of time things, it's fun.
 1. First of all, pick the number  of times a week that you would like to 
 have chocolate. (try for more  than once but less than 10)
 2. Multiply this number by 2 (Just  to be bold)
 3.  Add 5. (for Sunday)
 4.  Multiply it by 50 I'll wait while you get  the calculator................
 5. If you have already had your  birthday this year add 1754.... If you 
 haven't, add 1753  .......
 6.  Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.
 You should have a three digit number .
 The first digit of this was your original number (i.e., how  many times 
 you want to have chocolate each week).
 The next two numbers are  .........
 YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it IS!!!!!)

Holy crap that freaked me out. I got 613. How about you?

Now that i think about it, the ice cream wasn't involved in the equation. It was just to make you think the computer was psycic.
Anways, iTunes 4.5 was released so i had to redo all my skins. That's okay, it looks pretty similar now. I made a mightymouse cursor at resexcellence called
"spin cursor wait.". I'm kinda proud of it.

I'm almost done with complete control. In fact, i think i might release it as-is and wait till later for the mail support.

Oh well.


Week Recap

4/17/04 7:07 AM

I haven't posted in a while because i've had a very exteremely busy week. Science report due friday that suddenly gets extended till monday. concert for community. uhhhh.... madrigal dinner.

Friday was the concert for community. It was cool. On "I am the walrus" my e string was like a quarter step out of tune, so i had to avoid playing it. But then i tuned it back up for "spare me a little". On spare me a little, adam was playing the chords one fret up for the first measure or so when he noticed it sounded terrible Probably about 30/400ths of the audience noticed that. He then messed up a little on the solo and i think only he and i and mabye one person in the audience noticed that, so 3/400ths. Then we ended two measures early. Probably about 20/400ths. So we did well.

So now a few pictures:

I still can't figure this one out

Four days and seven hours! that rivals even shing hon's online-ness!

Now, for those not in the "know", i was proclaimed the "noob king" by one brett. He did a photoshop of me with a "crown" saying noob king. I think i did a slightly more interesting one.

Click here to see it
The noob king

So i guess today i'm going golfing? Whatever. Then i'm playing tennis. Or so is the plan.

So as is the craze that is sweeping the weblog-nation, \\T.


A quick one

4/12/04 8:37 PM

My dad just called the concert for community the concert for humanity. hah.

Oh and by the way...

that is officially the funniest parody ever...(from spymac somewhere)
More later, or mabye tommorow morning.


Just a funny conversation

4/11/04 8:36 PM

Well, i had this funny im conversation with a person who liked penguins and had the linux penguin as their icon. Observe:

you have a pengin
do i have a yellow anvil?
do you even know what that penguin means?
no. what
it's an operating system called "linux"
which is?
for example
i'm clueless
has the penguin
google image search for linux
has the penguin
what is linux
should explain a little
is it bad?
i don't really like it (referring to linux, not the icon)
your icon will make a few people laugh tho
geeks like me
why do geeks like you
no, i mean geeks that are similar to me
your not a geek
at times i am
no your not dude
am i a geek or a dude?
your a dude. that was the easiest question i've ever been asked


Give brett a hand!

4/11/04 3:28 PM

I'm taking my forums off because of this:

die, k thnx


Don't be annoying Mr. Tobobo. You wouldn't want an unexpected katana blade appearing somewhere around your midrift. Nor would you want the unexpected shock of the blade being aggressively brought upward through your rib cage up into your skull. Nor would you like your legs being hacked off first for no apparant reason other than the sadistic enjoyment of your assassin.


Poetry, brett. Poetry.


Back from NY

4/10/04 3:15 PM

So, i got back from NY. And i have some pictures i took on the plane. (and in the city)

I found the engines amusing...

Your 24 hour cowboy network!

A typical lunch photo!

A view! can you spot the strange thing?

I liked new york. I wana go back.

But right now i have to think about science! MEH!!!


In the Airport

4/10/04 10:11 AM (san francisco time)

Thanks to JetBlue, there is free wireless internet in the gate area. It's awesome.

Our cab was.... welll.............

iffy. Here's why.

I found this phone number surprising...

So, i found this phone number kind of surprising. But i have to board now.


Leaving New York

4/10/04 8:57 AM (new york time)

Just a quick one. I have to leave soon. I did get to go to the soho apple store yesterday. It's twice the size of the one in san francisco. They have a theater with free shows which is cool. I'm gonna have to update the table then leave. I guess i did pretty well seeing what i wanted to see. The only thing i didn't see was adam. Cause he was in new york for like 3 days. well, i have to go on a plane or something now. Or a taxi to a plane. Whatever.


New YorkenBjorken! (again)

4/9/04 8:43 AM (new york time)

So, hows about another post (now that i'm slightly more sane...)! This was my list of stuff to see in new york. (yes i spelled it right)

Stuff i Wanted to SeeStuff i Have Seen
  • Adam M.*
  • Brooklyn Bridge
  • Empire State Building
  • Chrysler Building
  • Grand Central Station
  • Ground Zero
  • SoHo Apple Store

  • Brooklyn Bridge
  • Empire State Building
  • Chrysler Building
  • Grand Central Station
  • Ground Zero
  • SoHo Apple Store
  • Princeton University
  • Some Little Church
  • Mayor's Office
  • Coloumbia University
  • Other Stuff
  • *Adam had gone to north carolina or something at this point

    So now a real post.


    Well that was the real post. but now THIS

    Image from ClassicGaming.com until i make my own.

    Click on the portal to go to the site of the day!


    New YorkenBjorken!

    4/8/04 sometime at night

    Okay, so i'm in new york, and i see this Made me think...... I could make a Much bettah blog. So here it is. Bettah Blog 1.0. On the very bloggish "blogga computa". I made it from scratch, verily.

    So, new yak is this!

    a way to cause car accidents in new york(enbjorken)


    so...... there's no accidents yet, but i'm still watching out.

    New york is fun. We have to take the subway everyday. However, i had to leave my fancy-schmanzy headphones at home instead of using my other headphones. boo hoo.

    Uhhh...... i can't think of anything else to say, so bye.